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  • Writer's pictureRob + Lindsey Morrow

9 Perfect Places for Drone Wedding Photography

Updated: Feb 4, 2022

We absolutely love using the drone when we get the chance. It provides a perspective that's otherwise impossible to see and often results in really unique images that showcase your venue and are perfect for printing large and hanging above the fireplace!

Here's a list of our favorite types of places for drone photography. Any couple planning their wedding can be confident that including an aerial imagery option in their photography package will be 100% worth it if their venue or a nearby site has one or more of these.

1) Bridges

Tiny bridges are the best, since you can see the couple close up and both ends of the bridge all in the same photo. Longer bridges are fun, though, too! For these, you can capture the larger scene from a higher perspective, or you can frame the image creatively to crop out both ends of the bridge.

2) Snow

Snow creates an ethereal sort of feel, due to all of the white that will fill the frame. Couple the snow with trees, ice, or water, and you've found a pretty sweet setting to bust out the drone. Don't forget to bring a blanket to lay down on to help stay warm and dry! We also like to keep the car running, so everyone can warm up quickly afterwards.

3) Mountains

Mountains are an amazing spot to use a drone. By flying higher in the air with them, you can see surrounding peaks that aren't visible from down on the ground. Fall foliage season is the perfect time to head up to the mountains for an epic drone photo session.

4) Docks

Similar to small wooden bridges, if there's a dock at or near your wedding venue, you can bet we'll want to get a drone photo like this on it. Another bonus about having a drone for a location near the water is that the drone can fly over the water for perspectives that a photographer would need a boat to achieve.

5) Open Fields

This one sounds kind of boring at first glance, but trust us, it doesn't have to be!

We like to use this as an opportunity to play with shadows! If you keep an eye on the sun throughout the day you'll get a good sense of when the light is right to create interesting shadows. You're going to want to choose a moment when the sun is pretty strong, in order to have nice, clear shadows. When posing the couple, try to make sure there are slivers of light all around them and their limbs, that way they're distinct and don't just look like one big blob... Separation of the limbs in the pose is very important to achieve an image that is easily identifiable.

6) Boats (especially if you get married on one!)

Our sample photo here is focused on capturing the larger scene. This made sense in this case since the boat had a covered deck, making it difficult to see the couple. We loved photographing the landscape from such a unique angle that really captured the setting for the day and all of the scenery that made the couple select this location to say their vows.

For smaller boats, kayaks, canoes, paddle boards, etc., that's a great opportunity to get in closer for a fun or romantic image.

7) Beaches/Shorelines

Sandy, warm water beaches are the dream, but when you live primarily by a (cold) rocky shoreline, you work with what you're given... If your wedding is on the ocean or a body of water, definitely consider having some creative drone shots taken. Water and waves look pretty neat from above and peninsulas can create interesting compositions for drone photography!

8) Gardens

Especially ones with hedge rows or some other form of leading lines! Take advantage of any geometric features in the garden.

9) Backyards

This is another one that's more about the setting vs. a beautiful couple's portrait. How fun will it be to look back years from your wedding date and remember your first home together where you go married?! Priceless, I'd say :)

Drone Photo Tips:

  • The point of drones is to easily enable us to get larger scene photos from a perspective that's normally impossible - so be sure to get some pictures from pretty high up and take advantage of what drones were intended to do.

  • That being said, we find that the money shots usually happen when we fly the drone quite a bit closer and aim it straight down, with the couple taking up about half or more of the height of the frame.

  • A license is needed for commercial drone photography so make sure that you have everything in order before adding one to your business.

  • Always look up any flying restrictions at your venue as locations close to airports & stadiums may not allow drone photography. There is also no drone photography allowed within national parks.

  • Drones cannot be flown at night or during inclement weather, so keep this in mind during your timeline planning.


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